If you continue to read this post, you may think that I am ridiculous to think about this matter at this age. Truthfully, I am not bothered about it until I come across this article: You Never Marry The Right Person. 

I always think that being in a relationship, both parties have to care for each other, tolerate each other, fall in love with their flaws and not their physical looks, etc. That is love from my point of view. I know I look naive here but after reading that article, my perception of 'love' change. I no longer believe in 'happily ever after' romance seen in Disney movies.

Somehow, I agree with this quote even though it freaks me out by just thinking of it:
We never know whom we marry; we just think we do. Or even if we first marry the right person, just give it a while and he or she will change. For marriage, being [the enormous thing it is] means we are not the same person after we have entered it. The primary challenge of marriage is learning how to love and care for the stranger to whom you find yourself married.
Being in a relationship, one must be committed and accept whatever happens to the other half because the person you first knew will never be the same now no matter how hard you try to encourage them to be their old self. People change and never look back. But, love should not change when people change. Otherwise, there will be a lot of divorce cases out there. So, in order to protect one's love, accept and appreciate them before you regret it.

Being in a relationship is a big responsibility that is not for the faint of heart. Every person in the world wants to marry someone who is awesome, sweet and outstanding. Are you asking God each day to improve your character? Remember that a relationship is not just about how you benefit from the other person; it is about how you can invest in that person’s life for the better. On another note, pray that God will make you the right person for the sake of honoring Him and not to attract others to you. God will do very little for you if your concern is not for His glory. 

It's easy to 'talk the talk' but can you 'walk the walk'? That's your challenge.

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