Most of them watch dramas and movies because they feel like watching them. It is a tool to fill up their free time. I was one of those people before this. But, do you know that you can learn something from those dramas and movies? 

Sometimes, the storyline reflects exactly what is happening in your life especially all those problems you are facing. The solution to those problems seems to be easy as seen in those dramas and movies but to us, it was never easy. One thing for sure is that if you put an effort to look and understand your problems, you will always find a solution to all your worries.

Everyone has a dream and many of them give up halfway because they feel that they are moving further away from their dreams instead of moving towards. You are not born to be perfect. There are some barriers in between. The main issue is that are you willing to accept all those criticism and problems and move forward or are you willing to give up everything and move backward? 

To those who wanna give up because you feel that you have a hopeless dreams, this might help you getting back your confidence.
Are dreams only for those who have talent? If you don’t have talent, should you not dream? If you want to dream, you need to close your eyes. If you close your eyes, it doesn’t matter how other people see you. When you close your eyes, you don’t see how other people see you, but you face your true self. When I closed my eyes, the person I faced said ‘Don’t give up on dreams.’ Because dreams are not only for the talented, but for those who dream…

PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS because dreams are the source of energy that keeps you going. That's your purpose of life.

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