Have you ever felt like the world treat you unfairly? Have you ever wonder why all the bad things keep on hitting you? Have you ever felt like you are lost somewhere and do not seem to find a way out? Have you ever lost all the hope and motivation you have all this while?

I DO. 

I've been going through a lot for the past few weeks. All the stress and struggles from finals. There's a point where I can't really handle it anymore and I immediately text my brother and darling asking for help. Thanks for all the encouragement and belief in me. Thanks for lending me your ears. It means a lot. I'll sink even deeper without both of you. And of course, Jason Mraz "I Won't Give Up" did his part. Love that song. Love it even more when I'm struggling. It calms me down.

My point here is that no matter how upset you get and no matter how disappointed you are in yourself, just DON'T GIVE UP. You might think that you are a failure and you might give up just like that, but always remember that He has a plan for us. Just surrender yourself to the big man above and you'll find peace. Talk to someone. Cry your heart out. You'll feel better after that. Don't keep it in your heart. Trust me. It works (at least for me).


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