If the Mayans were right, we have exactly 71 days left. 

You will never know what will happen tomorrow and you will never know what will happen in the next 2 hours. It's the same as people. You will never know what they think about you. There were nice to you today and they will stab you the next day. It's hard to predict what will happen in the future.

I finally experience the real working life with all the complaints, back stabbing, hatred, worries, stress, anger, etc. It's not something I'm proud of but it's something that I need to prepare myself for the worse. Work is definitely more challenging than studies or exams because you are dealing with people from all walks of life. They have different personalities and all you can do is try to find a way to fit with them instead of running away. What I mean here is that do not try to be the one they want you to be but try to convince them and make them accept who you really are. That's the real challenge.

It might be the last 71 days of work. Who knows? Just enjoy as much as you can.

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